Divorce – Do It Right

Divorce – Do It Right

  • 4 Tips For Dealing With A Child Custody Battle

    Getting divorced is a difficult time for the whole family. The dissolution of a marriage can be exhausting and emotionally trying, and adding a custody battle on top of that can be overwhelming. If you're figuring out child custody during the process of your divorce, don't worry. You can get through this. Here are four tips to keep in mind when dealing with child custody: 1. Keep your children's interests in mind.

  • Can You Avoid Probate?

    Probate is the process by which a judge oversees the distribution of your estate and assets once you die. While the probate process does ensure everything is fairly divided and distributed, it can also be a bit of annoyance for your heirs to have to go through. It will take your heirs longer to get what you have left them, and there may be some legal process they have to go through.

  • The Cost Of Going Through A Divorce

    When getting divorced, you'll end up paying for it in more ways than you expect. In fact, the process can cause quite a bit of confusion about how it affects you financially. While the assumption is that you need to give up half your stuff to your spouse, there are other ways that you'll end up paying for a divorce after it is finalized. Deductions For Alimony If you have been ordered to give your spouse alimony, there can be confusion about how the payments work for deductions on your taxes.

  • Benefits Of Hiring A Misdemeanor Defense Attorney When Facing A Possession Of Drugs Charge

    Getting charged with the possession of drugs can affect your life for a long time. This Class A misdemeanor may have been a mistake, and to deal with this charge correctly, you need help from a misdemeanor defense attorney. They can assist with this legal dilemma in the following ways.  Save You Money  Even though it costs money to work with one of these attorneys, you'll save money in the long run.

  • The Preemptive Strike: Why It May Help You To Stage A Counter-Attack In Divorce Court

    There is nothing more agitating than having an ex-spouse who constantly threatens to take you to court over ridiculous and minor things. Clearly, your ex thinks that the courtroom is a place where he/she can get whatever he/she wants by taking you there and arguing for it. However, a divorce attorney, like those at the Law Office of Bradley S. Sandler, might recommend an unusual approach the next time your ex threatens to take you to court.

  • About Me

    Divorce – Do It Right

    Hello. My name is Stephanie Laurel. I have recently been through a divorce, and although I don’t wish it on anyone, I do wish that everyone could come out of the proceedings feeling they have been taken care of. My husband and I had been married twenty-eight years. We have four children, two of which are still under eighteen years of age. We owned the home we lived in and had a vacation home in a different state. We are civilized people, we get along fairly well considering, but no matter how much we thought we could go through the divorce process without lawyers, it wasn't possible. We each hired a divorce attorney to represent us. Most of the negotiations went well, but when we hit a rough spot the attorneys took over. Thank goodness. I’m going to share more about the experience and hope it helps you.